EJBCA Dev Environment Quickstart

This document describes the steps necessary to install and setup a minimal EJBCA instance for testing Serles.

Installing EJBCA Community

docker pull primekey/ejbca-ce
docker run -it -p 9980:8080 -p 9443:8443 -h ejbca-test -e TLS_SETUP_ENABLED="simple" primekey/ejbca-ce

These commands expose the Web UI on Port 9443 using a self-signed certificate (Note that the SOAP-API cannot be accessed over plain text). Port 8443 is the default port of Serles, so we will use 9443 for EJBCA.

Configuring EJBCA for use with Serles

  1. Create a Certificate Authority

    Certification Authorities

    suggested name: ACMECA

  2. Create a Certification Profile

    Certificate Profiles

    suggested name: ACMEServerProfile

    Notes: Set Extended Key Usage to Server Authentication.

  3. Create End Entity Profile

    End Entity Profiles

    suggested name: ACMEEndEntityProfile

    Notes: Add a few DNS Name entries to the allowed Subject Alternative Name Other subject attributes and under Main certificate data set the CA to the one from Step 1, and the Certificate Profile to the one from Step 2.

  4. Create a Certificate Profile for the API client:

    Certificate Profiles

    suggested name: APIClientProfile

    Notes: Set Extended Key Usage to Client Authentication. The CA should be the ManagementCA.

  5. Create a End Entity Profile for the client certificate:

    End Entity Profiles

    suggested name: APIClientEntityProfile

    Notes: Under Main certificate data set it to use APIClientProfile and ManagementCA.

  6. Create a user for the API:

    Add End Entity

    suggested name: client01

    Notes: Use the End Entity Profile from Step 5 and set Common Name to same as username.

  7. Create user role for acme-client-cert:

    Administrator Roles

    suggested name: ACMEUser

    Notes: Set Access Rules using Advanced Mode to allow the following:

    • /administrator

    • /ca_functionality/create_certificate

    • /ra_functionality/create_end_entity

    • /ra_functionality/edit_end_entity

    • /ca/<CA_OF_USER> (using CA from Step 1)

    • /endentityprofilesrules/<END_ENTITY_PROFILE_OF_USER>/create_end_entity

    • /endentityprofilesrules/<END_ENTITY_PROFILE_OF_USER>/edit_end_entity (using End Entity Profile from Step 3)

  1. Add ACMEUser to the new usergroup/role:

    Administrator Roles

    Notes: Set the Members of the Administrator Role from Step 7 to match (e.g. on CN and CA) the client entity from Step 6.

  2. Issue a certificate for the user

    Create Certificate from CSR or EJBCA RA-Request new certificate


    • openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout client01.key -out client01.csr -nodes -subj /CN=client01

    • upload CSR, then download certificate (client01.pem)

    • cat client01.key client01.pem > client01-privpub.pem